WiSe 2013/2014 » Linear Algebra I
Prof. Dr. Otto

ÜbersichtLecture Notes


Name Raum Tel.
Otto, MartinS2|15 20722861
Eickmeyer, KordS2|15 20422864
Le Roux, StéphaneS2|15 33823373



There is a Moodle-site for this course on the central Moodle server of TU Darmstadt:


Use your TU-ID to log in to Moodle.

We will use Moodle to distribute material such as exercise sheets and solutions to the exercise sheets. The student demonstrators will also enter your marks into Moodle, so you can use it to check if your points were entered correctly. This page (EVS) is obsolete!


Lecture Notes

The Lectures Notes are available for download.


Learning & Teaching: Lectures, Tutorials and Exercises

During the two lectures each week, new material will be presented in concentrated form. Lectures can only work well when backed up by regular review of the material and serious engagement with exercises and homework. During lectures students should let the lecturer know when something remains unclear or is not understandable as presented: DO ASK QUESTIONS!

TUTORIALS will be given every other week, starting on Monday, October 21st. They are meant to help you to familiarise yourself with new concepts, definitions and methods, and to test your understanding. They will comprise reviews of material from class, additional examples, and the discussion of model solutions to past homework. You are welcome to suggest topics to be reviewed in the run-up to the next tutorial, and to bring questions to the tutorial sessions.

EXERCISE CLASSES and HOMEWORK treat the subject matter in more detail and will occasionally also comprise slightly more challenging exercises. Again, group work is encouraged; the actual written submission of homework exercises, however, is to be an individual effort: written presentation is an important skill to be trained here.

Exercise sheets will be made available on Mondays (starting on Oct 14th). They include exercises to be discussed in the exercise classes on Thursday, and additional homework exercises. You should read the exercises before the classes on Thursday and think about how you would solve them, in order to be prepared for the exercise classes. Please hand in your solutions to the homework exercises by Tuesday morning 9am the following week, by placing them in the designated letterbox in the staircase on the 2nd floor of the maths building. Our student demonstrators will mark your solutions and add comments (read these carefully!) and return the exercise sheets to you during the exercise class that week.

This module is comprised of Linear Algebra I (this term) and Linear Algebra II (next term). In order to be admitted to the exam (Modulprüfung), you will need 40% of the achievable points for the homework exercises in each part individually. If you fail to achieve 40% in Linear Algebra I, you may compensate for that by achieving 50% in Linear Algebra II.


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