WiSe 2010/2011 » Introduction to Mathematical Software
PD Dr. Lorenz



11.02.2011Those students who took the exam this week but failed have another chance to pass the exam on monday at 8:00 a.m.

Everybody will have to pass the exam on his own, no groups!
21.01.2011The exercise sheet for the course attendance certificate has been uploaded and can be found as Testat.pdf under "Exercises".
21.01.2011Today, one group had a problem with the sum-command. For a finite number of explicit values, always use the add-command instead.
20.01.2011There's been another small correction to exercise sheet 7.
19.01.2011The schedule has been updated.
18.01.2011Bitte denken Sie daran, sich im TUCaN fĂĽr das Testat anzumelden!
18.01.2011Please remember to register for the course attendance certificate in TUCaN!
18.01.2011There's been a small correction to exercise no.2 on sheet 7.
15.12.2010One exercise has been added to the actual exercise sheet.
09.12.2010Please, re-inspect the topic matrix-multiplication. Make familiar with matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix-vector multiplication, before next lecture.
07.12.2010The operating system on the computers has been updated. Do not worry, if it looks slightly different now.
05.12.2010There will be no new exercise sheet before Christmas. Please try to solve all exercises of the actual one. We will add one small exercise during the next days.
29.11.2010As long as there are enough computers in K313, the exercise group on monday will only take place in K313.
24.11.2010The accounts p156, p161 and p168 have been locked due to missing account information sheets.
22.11.2010If Maple hangs and you cannot stop it using the "interrupt"-button, open a terminal and type:
killall -s KILL mserver
Press Enter and close the terminal. Then save your maple-sheet and restart maple.

If a graphical terminal does not open, press Ctrl+Alt+F1. Login and type the above command followed by Enter. Then press Ctrl+D and Ctrl+Alt+F7. Save your maple-sheet and restart maple.
22.11.2010Some hints have been added to the first page of exercise 3-5. (cf. Exercise3-5_V2.pdf)
17.11.2010The exercise sheet (Exercise3-5.pdf) for the next 3 weeks is available now.
10.11.2010Exercise 2 has been updated according to the hints below.
09.11.2010Some hints for Exercise 2:

2 c): First solve the equation, then do parts (i) and (ii).

3): You do not need matrices here. Just have a look at the solve-command.
03.11.2010Some account information sheets (p156, p161, p168) are still missing. Please return all sheets. Otherwise, accounts belonging to missing sheets will be deleted soon!
20.10.2010Welcome to "Introduction to Mathematical Software"!

Exercise 1 is available now. Computer accounts will be provided during the first exercise.



Name Raum Tel.
PD Dr. Ulf LorenzS4|10 352961
Dipl.-Math. Christian BrandenburgS4|10 173915



TagUhrzeitin Raum
Mittwochs16:15 - 17:55 (cf. schedule)


Exercise (cf. schedule)

Nr.Zeitin RaumbeiSprechstunde
1Montags, 8:00 - 9:40S215 K309, K313Anna, Carstensee below
2Dienstags, 8:00 - 9:40S215 K309, K313Moritz, Alexandersee below
3Mittwochs, 16:15 - 17:55S215 K309, K313Stefan, Alexandersee below
4Donnerstags, 9:50 - 11:30S215 K309, K313Stefan, Moritzsee below
5Freitags, 9:50 - 11:30S215 K309, K313Anna, Manonsee below



Date   Room
12.01.2011 Lecture S103/123
17.01.2011 - 21.01.2011 Exercise see above
26.01.2011 Lecture S103/123
27.01.2011, 9:50 - 11:30 Student Office Hours S215/K309
28.01.2011, 9:50 - 11:30 Student Office Hours S215/K309
31.01.2011 - 04.02.2011 Exercise see above
31.01.2011, 9:40 - 10:40 Student Office Hours (Anna) S215/K309
01.02.2011, 9:40 - 10:40 Student Office Hours (Alexander) S215/K309
01.02.2011, 14:25 - 15:25 Student Office Hours (Carsten) S215/K309
02.02.2011, 13:30 - 14:30 Student Office Hours (Manon) S215/K309
03.02.2011, 8:50 - 9:50 Student Office Hours (Moritz, Stefan) S215/K309
07.02.2011 - 11.02.2011 Exam see above



Maple Reference Sheets http://www.maplesoft.com/support/training/qrc.aspx
Maplesoft Training http://www.maplesoft.com/support/training/index.aspx


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