WiSe 2009/2010 » Introduction to Mathematical Software
PD Dr. Lorenz

ÜbersichtLecture SlidesExercisesSolutions



Intermediate Result

Most students chose the first exam day (sorry for the long delays). The results will be submitted to the student office after the second exam date.


Zusätzlicher Prüfungstermin

Da sich jetzt doch mehrere Studenten gemeldet haben, dass sie am 8.2.2010
nicht zur Übung erscheinen können, bieten wir für den 15.2.2010 einen
weiteren Prüfungstermin an. Jede Gruppe, die sich am Ersatztermin prüfen
lassen möchte, sendet bitte eine Email mit den Namen der Gruppenmitglieder
und dem Betreff "IMS-Prüfung"
lorenz@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de, mit Kopie an
Bitte nutzen Sie auch die studentische Sprechstunde am Mittwoch für Fragen zu
den Aufgaben. Am Montag werden wir vermutlich die gesamte Zeit für die
Prüfungsabnahmen brauchen.

Additional examination date

Because several students contacted us that they cannot appear to the exercises
on Feb. 8th 2010, we offer a further examination date. All groups who would
like to make the exam on Feb 15th 2010, please, send an email with your group
members and with the subject "IMS-Exam"
lorenz@mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de, and in copy to
There won't be any time to ask questions concerning the exercises on the examination dates! Please visit the office hours.

02.02.2010Please check that your polynomial satisfies all six conditions. The denominator of one coefficient should be 1632960.
02.02.2010For those of you who experience strange letters after the decoded text, please recheck that you don't scale any frequencies to zero for symbols that do appear in the string. Otherwise, some letters in the text might get lost.
01.02.2010For those of you having problems with the C exercise: there's a short description of Huffman coding on binaryessence. If you are interested in binary heaps, see wikipedia.
If you feel desperate, come to the Wednesday student office hours.
01.02.20103.c) Hint: The package containing display is plots (not plot)! So you have to use with(plots);.
28.01.2010Please test your C++-code with the file sample_text.txt from the Exercises section.
28.01.2010Remember that the Maple-commands solve and fsolve can do a lot of magic for you - more than you might expect.
27.01.2010Another hint for Exercise 3.h):
The volume should be bigger than 235 and less than the volume of the glass.
27.01.2010Someone asked about the 'uncompress' function of the C exercise:
The argument 'size' specifies the char length of the uncompressed output 'string' (not the bit length of 'compressed'). The first integer of the compressed file 'testfile.bin' contains this value. The 'string' argument is initialized with the correct size, so that you only need to fill it.
26.01.2010Remember that your variables do not remain in memory if you close your Maple-document and reopen it. You have to press the "!!!"-Button in order to reexecute your code. So do not delete any code that you might need later.
25.01.2010If you want to get rid of the compiler warnings in the final exercise, just replace every apperance of "char* filename" by "const char* filename" (without quotation marks). You do not have to do this in order to solve the exercise.
18.11.2009Someone asked for a contact email. Here it is:

Feel free to ask any questions.
11.11.2009Someone asked for the Computer Science SSH Gateways after the lecture. Here they are:



Name Raum Tel. Sprechstunde
PD Dr. Ulf LorenzS4|10 352961Dienstags, 09:30 - 10:30 in S4|10 37
Dipl.-Math. Christian BrandenburgS4|10 173915Montags, 13:25 - 14:20 in LZM
M.Sc. Thorsten EdererS4|10 40+49 171 1117772Mittwochs, 16:15 - 17:55 in S2|15 K313


Obtaining your Course Attendance Certificate

As announced in the first lecture, there is a homework assignment you have to work on in small groups (of about 3 people) in order to obtain your course attendance certificate. The homework assignment will be posted on the homepage and is due at the LAST exercise lab. The exercise will consist of a Maple and a C/C++ part. Further details will be on the exercise sheets.



Maple Reference Sheets http://www.maplesoft.com/support/training/qrc.aspx
Maplesoft Training http://www.maplesoft.com/support/training/index.aspx


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