Übersicht | Information | Exercises | Tutorials | Solutions | Download |
25.08.2009 | You will find the temporary results of the exams AnaI MCS and AnaII MCS near room 301. The "Klausureinsicht" will take place in room 301, September 08, 9:00-10:30. |
07.08.2009 | You will be allowed to bring all manner of written material to the exam (books, solutions to exercises, scripts, etc.), but no electronic devices. The exam will last 90 minutes. Remember to bring your "Studienausweis", an ID card, and your own paper to write on. |
07.08.2009 | Two earlier exams given by Prof. Trebels are available under ''Download''. Only one of these is an exam for Analysis II. That exam is based on a different script, and we had in that semester emphasized different things during the lecture. The exam also contains things which you have not properly seen. We thus do not advice you to base your preparations on this exam - but we make the exams available for download since this has been requested. |
15.07.2009 | We will offer the following additional office hours: July 21, 10:00-11:00 in S215/345 (Katharina Schade) July 24, 13:00-15:00 in S215/203 (Eyvind Briseid) August 3, 13:00-15:00 in S215/215 (Susanne Pape) August 7, 12:00-13:00 in S215/336 (Daniel Körnlein) |
14.07.2009 | Eyvind Briseid's tutorial on Wednesday, July 15 will be done by Daniel Körnlein. |
08.07.2009 | Eyvind Briseid's office hour on July 13 has been cancelled. |
30.06.2009 | The material on multiple integrals which will be covered in the last week of the lecture will not appear in the exam. The material in the tutorials and exercise classes in the last week of the semester will not be relevant for the exam. |
04.06.2009 | Next week, the office hour of Katharina Schade will be moved from Tuesday, June 09, 15:00-16:00 to Wednesday, June 10, 15:00-16:00. Thereafter it will be on Tuesday again. |
12.05.2009 | The lectures on Tuesdays will be in S215/51. However, one will on a case to case basis each time decide whether to move the current lecture to S215/301. This is again due to (unpredictable) noise from construction work. And again concerning Daniel Körnlein's exercise group: From now on the exercise group will take place Thursdays 08:00-09:40 in S313/334, except for the special cases indicated in the news from 07.05.2009 and 05.05.2009. |
07.05.2009 | June 11 is a holiday, and the exercise classes which should have taken place that day have been moved to 09:50-11:30 on Wednesday the 10th of June. The tutorials on the 10th will be cancelled. On the 10th Daniel Körnlein's exercise group will be in S103/126. Katharina Schade's group will be in S103/312. |
07.05.2009 | Until further notice the lecture on Tuesdays will be in S215/301 instead of S215/51, due to ongoing construction work outside room S215/51. |
05.05.2009 | The 21st of May is a holiday, and the exercise classes which should have taken place that day have been moved to 09:50-11:30 on Wednesday the 20th. The tutorials on the 20th will be cancelled. On the 20th Daniel Körnlein's exercise group will be in S103/126. Katharina Schade's group will be in S103/312, and the tutor will be Eyvind Briseid. So students in Katharina Schade's group who want personalized comments on their homework should meet up during her office hour on Tuesday the 19th. |
28.04.2009 | New information concerning Daniel Körnlein's exercise group: Thursday April 30 and May 7 it will take place 16:15-17:55 in S102/144. Thereafter it will take place Thursdays 14:25-16:00 in S115/021 - except June 18 and July 2. These two dates it will be held 14:25-16:05 in S215/336. |
27.04.2009 | Daniel Körnlein's group has been moved to Thursdays 16:15-17:55 in S102/144, and Katharina Schade's group has been shifted from S313/334 to S313/231. |
22.04.2009 | Tomorrow both exercise groups will take place 08:00-09:40. Daniel Körnlein's group can not be moved to 14:25, since there are no rooms available. From next week on there is a possibility to move that group to 16:15-17:55. Please consider what you would prefer. This will be discussed in the lecture. |
15.04.2009 | Important new information concerning the script/lecture notes is available under the heading "Lecture notes". |
09.04.2009 | This semester one will have to print the script oneself - copies will not be handed out. |
01.04.2009 | The exercise group of Daniel Körnlein might be shifted to Thursdays 14:25-16:05. This will be discussed in the first lecture. |
31.03.2009 | In addition to Eyvind Briseid also Susanne Pape will be a teaching assistant for this course - there are only computer technical reasons why her name does not appear here yet. |
31.03.2009 | You can sign up for exercise classes and tutorials on the web between 09:00 on April 2 and 15:00 on April 14. The information given here concerning time slots and rooms for the exercise classes and tutorials supersedes the information in the "Vorlesungsverzeichnis". |
30.03.2009 | Welcome to the course Analysis II in English! More information will be available here soon. The first lecture takes place on Tuesday the 14th of April, and the tutorials and exercise classes start in the same week. |
Name | Raum | Tel. | Sprechstunde |
Prof. Dr. Walter Trebels | FH 210 | 21453 | Montags, 15:00-16:00 in FH 210 |
Dr. Eyvind Martol Briseid | S2|15 229 | 64532 | Montags, 13:30-14:30 in 203 |
Dipl.-Math. Susanne Pape | S4|10 35 | 3953 | Montags, 08:45-09:45 in 215 |
Tag | Uhrzeit | in Raum |
Dienstags | 09:50 - 11:30 | S215/51 (When there is much noise due to construction work we will move to S215/301.) |
Donnerstags | 09:50 - 11:30 | S217/103 |
Nr. | Zeit | in Raum | bei | Sprechstunde | in Raum |
1 | Donnerstags, 08:00 - 09:40 | S313/334 | Daniel Körnlein | Monday, 15:00-16:00 | S215/336 |
2 | Donnerstags, 08:00 - 09:40 | S313/231 | Katharina Schade | Tuesday, 15:00 - 16:00 | S215/444 |
Nr. | Zeit | in Raum | bei | Sprechstunde | in Raum |
1 | Mittwochs, 09:50 - 11:30 | S103/312 | Eyvind Briseid | Monday, 13:30-14:30 | S215/203 |
2 | Mittwochs, 09:50 - 11:30 | S103/126 | Susanne Pape | Monday, 08:45 - 09:45 | S215/215 |
Additionally we will in the first weeks also go through the material in these notes on Uniform Convergence and Improper Integrals. This will be covered after p. 41 in Alber's script for Analysis II.
The material in chapter 6 and chapter 7 in Alber's script for Analysis II (from p. 112 onwards) will be replaced by the material covered in the following notes: Local Extrema with Constraints, Line Integrals, Integrals on Rectangles, Integral Theorems.
The books listed under the heading "Literature" are simply suggested supplementary reading.