SoSe 2010 » Model Theory
Prof. Dr. Otto



Model Theory

This is a (2+1) course may be taken as one half of a "Vertiefungsmodul Logik" (especially but not exclusively in connection with "Finite Model Theory" to be offered in the coming winter term)

Prerequisites: Basics of Mathematical Logic, e.g., Introduction to Mathematical Logic (QM)


Model theory is concerned with the semantics of logical formalisms and investigates the expressive power of logics through the study of definability. Key questions are: which structural properties can be axiomatised?; what are the available models?; and how can those be further classified?
It thus examsines the relationship between syntactic features of formalisations and structural properties expressed. Technically at the center are methods for the construction and transformation of suitable structures (models) and the examination of the algebraic and combinatorial properties of these models.
Classical model theory primarily deals with first-order logic as the logical formalism and develops techniques for the generation and analysis of models for first-order theories, for the comparison between models in algebraic and logical terms, and for the classification of models w.r.t. logical and combinatorial criteria.

This course sets out to treat the following core topics:


Cori/Lascar: Mathematical Logic
Chang/Keisler: Model Theory
Hodges: Model Theory
Hodges: A Shorter Model Theory
Marker: Model Theory, an Introduction
Rothmaler: Modelltheorie
Poizat: A Course in Model Theory

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